Grant suggested it as a good mystery. I agree with Grant up until about page 183, then it turns into science fiction with a mystery. Don't you hate it when authors mix up genres so that you really have to think about what genre type the book fits under? Or do you just hate it when teachers make you pick a genre type when there could be more than one possibility? A mystery is a book in which a detective (professional or amateaur) tries to solve a crime or unknown event using logic. In this case two of the main characters, Chip and Jonah try to figure out who is sending them threatening notes in the mail. In the beginning they use logic. On about page 183, science fiction enters the story and logic goes out the window. The book goes on with some cliffhangers and twists. Even though it is not a mystery, it is worth putting on your summer reading lists. As most of my 5a students know, science fiction is not my favorite genre to read for fun, and I truly think that summer is the time to really dig into books for fun reading. With that being said, Found, hooked me. I read it every single day and really couldn't wait for more. The book not only twists from a mystery to science fiction but in the end it eludes to maybe touching on historical fiction, my favorite genre. I will definitely be getting a copy of the sequel, Sent. Let me know what you think of Found. Keep looking for great mysteries for me.
A voracious summer reader,
Mr. Sniff aka Mrs. Niff
I just read this book in May and didn't want to put it down.